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Fencing Contractors in Virudhunagar

Fencing Contractors in Virudhunagar

Fencing Contractors in Virudhunagar

If you are searching for a Best fencing contractors near me in Virudhunagar , this is the right place. Subi is the best fencing contractors in Virudhunagar, providing all types of fencing works in Virudhunagar. Feel free to Call Subi fencing contractors in Virudhunagar, to get a Free quotation. Our professional fencing contractors Virudhunagar labour force will make sure that if you are giving us a property or a real estate plot, we will complete the work within two days

Barbed wire fencing contractors in Virudhunagar

Barbed wire Fencing

This is the most economical fencing method anyone can use for any property. Barbed wires can be used with RCC poles and also spacing stone poles.

Chain link wire fencing contractors in Virudhunagar

Chain Link Fencing

It is a good type of fencing in which the chain link mesh will be tied to RCC fencing polls. It protects the land, and it is very nice to see property with chain-link fencing.

Razor wire fencing contractors in Virudhunagar
Razor Wire Fencing

Razor wire fencing is normally used to be put in defence areas. It is the most expensive type of fencing work. You can call us anytime to put this type of fencing.

Garden  wire fencing contractors in Virudhunagar

Garden Fencing

Garden fencing is mainly made up of with PVC coated GI welding mesh. It will be looking like more green, and it will add value to your garden

Readymade wall  fencing contractors in Virudhunagar

Readymade Compound Wall

It is otherwise called an RCC compound wall. These types of wall are made up of precast slabs, and RCC poles joining together and farm the ready-made compound valve.

wall Top fencing contractors in Virudhunagar

Wall Top Fencing

Wall top fencing is the type of fencing which is normally put over the top of the wall. This is mainly put because of the lack of security.

Best Fencing contractors in Virudhunagar

3 Reasons Why to Select Subi Fencing?
  1. Before selecting fencing contractors in virudhunagar , you need to focus on a few aspects where many fencing contractors are lagging. Check whether they are Only a fencing contractor or a manufacturer; if they are a manufacturer, they will provide you with good-quality fencing material. Subi fencing contractors in Virudhunagar is a manufacturer and supplier of all fencing materials.
  2. Secondly, you should check whether the contractor can complete the work on time; many labors fencing contractors in Virudunagar do part-time work; if you give your work to that kind of percent, they will not complete your project on time. Subi fencing has more than 20 years of experience in the industry, so v completes the work on time
  3. All laborers used in our projects or well-trained and experienced fencing men who are capable of handling extreme conditions fencing. Labors are professionally trained to do fencing works; we never use normal construction labors to do fencing work. Many small fencing contractors in Virudhunagar use construction labors to do fencing work that definitely will ruin your fencing

Best fencing contractors in Virudhunagar

Subi The Best Fencing contractors in Virudhunagar Products and Services Google Review

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Best Fencing Contractors in Namakkal

Fencing Contractors in Namakkal

Fencing contractors in Namakkal

Welcome to Subi The Best Fencing Contractors in Namakkal

Namakkal is lied in the northern part of Tamil Nadu and sharing its border with Trichy, Karur and Erode District. It is one of the highly revenues giving district in Tamil Nadu. And having major industries Like agriculture, textile manufacturing, tapioca, banana farms add egg poultry Industries. Namakkal is known for its educational business, and It has highly reputed educational institutes. Subi fencing contractors in Namakkal, we are doing fixing service and RCC compound installation service for 18 years in Namakkal district.

We are known as one of the best fencing contractors in Namakkal. Moreover, we can able to install films and give RCC compound service according to the geographical Locations. As Namakkal is having Industries from manufacturing to agriculture Orient Are fencing service is the most preferable for this kind of industries to give high protection and security for their properties and industries.

Moreover, there is a big boom in real estate inside and around Namakkal district Having a fencing boundary Will be the best idea to protect properties with higher level security. There are many agricultural farms and harvesting lands are available around Namakkal and due to The presence of Western Ghats in the border of Namakkal we can able to find wild animals movement around the farming land So our Barbed wire and razor wire fencing will be very helpful to protect your crops from the animals.

Fencing contractors in Namakkal
Subi fencing contractors is the best fencing contractors Namakkal

Why to choose Subi fencing contractors as your fencing contractor?

Subi fencing contractors we are known as the best fencing contactors in Namakkal district and we are having nearly 18 years of experience in fencing and RCC compound wall installation. And we are having our own manufacturing unit where all the fencing and RCC compound wall materials are manufactured within our manufacture unit with higher quality. We are using German technology machineries for the fencing Product .so we can give assurance that all the products regarding fencing Will be with greater quality.

Moreover, we are having our own quality checking team and all the quality checking managers will be taking care of about the quality of our manufactured products and which are going to be delivered to our clients and customers. Show 99 percentage all the products will be coming with greater quality with lesser damage.

We have hired the fencing installers and workers who are having really 10 years of work experience in Namakkal district. So, they knew what kind of fencing materials should be used for your property or industries, which Will be suitable to your Surroundings and environment.

We can able to give fencing service and installation at any kind of budget according to your need. As we are having our own manufacturing unit, we can able to alter or do any. Customized fencing or RCC compound wall according to the clients and customers wish. And we are using Tata steels for all the fencing materials So it will be added advantage.

Subi fencing contractors will be guiding you from the starting to the end of the fencing and RCC compound wall installation so You can able to track us properly. That's make us the best fencing contractors in Namakkal.

Our Moto:

To create a healthy competition with our fellow competitors. And give quality service installation for Our clients and customers and make them happy with high satisfaction.

As we are giving best satisfaction for our customers. Many of them shared their views that we are the best fencing contractors in Namakkal.

What is the benefit Of installing fencing and RCC compound wall ?

- You can create an boundary around your industry or properties so that it will be more secured with more privacy.
- By creating a fencing or RCC compound wall boundary you can able to create an identification of your own so that no People can enter into your properties, Agricultural land and industrial area without your permission.
- You are owning a Property in the outer skirt of Namakkal city it will be with lesser Security. Creating a fencing wall or RCC compound wall will be an better idea to protect your property.
- If you are owning an agricultural land near Western Ghats You will be aware about the wild animal attack in your farm, so creating an fencing wall using barbed wire fence will be more suitable and it will be protected from the animal attack. So you can able to protect your crops and you can get more revenue through it.

What are the Services are given by Subi fencing contractors in Namakkal?

We're back in 2006 We have started off fencing service and we have done nearly thousands of fencing and RCC compound wall installation throughout Namakkal district. We are also selling fencing and RCC compound wall service Products to other contractors around South India. After the wish of customers and consumers, we have started to manufacture our own products with higher quality. Right now we are doing Manufacturing and services with installation for. Fencing and RCC compound wall and the products which we are manufacturing are:

  • Chain link mesh

  • Barbed wire

  • Razor wire

  • RCC compound wall

  • RCC compound slab

  • Fencing poles

Chain link mesh supplier in Namakkal:

Chain link fencing is one of the most preferred fencing material for fencing work and installation. People around Namakkal. In chain link fencing, the fencing wire will be twisting with each other and creating an diamond shape In between with smaller gaps. As it has a softer surface and it will not be threatening for the people who are passing through it. And the people who are owning an animal husbandry are cattle farm can think about changing films so that the animals will not be hurt.

Chain link Fencing contractors in Namakkal

Barbed wire Fencing contractors in Namakkal:

Barbed wire fencing will have an rough surface in which a thorn kind of structure will be protected from the fencing wire. As it has a sharp edge thorn It will be suitable for the farming land which are located near the Western Ghats and who has a threatening due to animals. Using barware, you can able to create different shapes from X shape fence, line fence, Box fence. It is suitable for the real estate properties and they can able to create boundary using bar defacing. So there is no way strangers or trespassers can enter or climb above the fence.

Barbed wire Fencing contractors in Namakkal

Razor wire Fencing Contractors in Namakkal:

Razor wire fence in which blade kind of structure will be projected from the fence and it is the most sharped and safest fence. The people who are owning properties and industries in outer cuts of Namakkal having higher Threat like theft and burglary activities in highway areas. Can you think about installing a razor wire fence. So that no one can try to enter the compound, which is covered with razor wire. It is the safest fence.

Razor wire Fencing contractors in Namakkal

RCC compound wall service in Namakkal:

RCC compound wall design readymade concrete compound wall which will be manufactured within our manufacturing unit. In which concrete slabs will be Placed one by one to create a wall kind of structure. It is one of the easiest way of constructing a wall in short period of time and it will be consuming only 30 to 40 percentage of the money which will be used for regular kind of wall construction. And we can able to customize and design new kind of compound slab According to the customer need.

RCC compound wall Contractors in Namakkal

RCC compound slab supplier in Namakkal:

RCC compound slab is one of the by-products for the compound wall construction. It will be manufactured using concrete materials and We can able to give different kind of designs in the outer surface of the slab. As steel material will be placed in between the concrete it will give a stronger surface. And it will be lasting for more years, and it will be resisting all kind of weather condition.

Fencing poles supplier in Namakkal:

Fencing poles is one of the by-product for fencing installation. These products are available in many materials like Concrete, stone and metal fencing poles. All the fencing poles are manufactured in higher quality, so it can able to resist all kind of Weather condition and it will be withstanding the fencing wall for many years. our product will show why we are the best fencing contractors in Namakkal.

All the fencing materials are well galvanized in a manufacturing unit, so we Can you give assurance that all the fencing materials will be resisting all kind of weather condition and it is corrosion resistor. So it will be having a higher lifetime. And we are using higher quality branded Materials for fencing and RCC compound word manufacturing. So we have confident that all the materials which are coming from our manufacturing unit will be with 100%. Quality and with stand any kind of condition. Because of this our clients said we are the best fencing contractors in Namakkal.

To know about our service and fencing work, please visit our website www.subifencingcontractor.in  And we are giving our phone number and contact us Using +91 99945 07632 . We are available all the days in a week, so it will be easier for you to contact us in the weekend. And we will be guiding you from the beginning to ending Of fencing work on installation. You can contact us as soon as possible for better estimation and price Quoting. Visiting our website you can able to understand about our fencing service and how you will be doing.

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Best Fencing Contractors in Erode

Fencing contractors in Erode

Fencing contractors in Erode

Welcome to Subi The Best Fencing Contractors in Erode

Erode lies in the northern part of Tamil Nadu, sharing its border with Salem and Tirupur. Erode is known for its textile industries, Handloom products, and mango cultivation. And turmeric cultivation in erode is Quite famous throughout the nation. Erode is known for its Animal husbandry and inland fishing. India's largest textile mall is located in Erode District. Subi fencing contractor, we are one of the finest Fencing contractors in Erode District.

We had covered All over the Erode district and done many fencing installations. With nearly 18 years of experience in Erode District, we are one of the leading fencing contractors in erode. Erode has many sectors, from manufacturing to agricultural-based industries. And we have done different kinds of fencing services for different environments.

We had given our fencing installation on services from Spinning mills to horticulture forms like mango farms, Tropica Farm, And a Few parts of erode having cotton cultivation, which can be used for spinning mills. So, Only we are known as the best fencing contractors in Erode.

Subi contractors, we have had successful relationships with Erode District people for 18 years. And we have installed More than 1000 fencing and RCC compound wall Successfully. We had traveled to erode district for every corner and knew what Kind of fencing and RCC work would suit the environment. We can do any fencing and RCC compound installation At a reasonable price.

Moreover, we have our manufacturing unit where all the fencing and RCC compound wall materials are manufactured in high quality. Moreover, Erode has many garment manufacturing industries, Animal husbandry, and Fruit horticulture industries. Our fencing service will be more beneficial for these people. As we are giving our service for all the environment we are known as the best fencing contractors in Erode.

Why choose Subi Fencing contractors as your fencing contractor:

- Subi Fencing contractors we are having nearly 20 years of experience in the fencing field.
- Having the most expert fencing-related workers with us and everyone knew what Kind of fencing work would be suitable. For your environment, according to your surroundings.
- All fencing materials and RCC compound walls are manufactured within our manufacturing unit.
- We will prefer quality and have our quality assurance team.
- Will be dedicatedly a lot And supervisor till We finish the fencing or RCC comparable installation.
- We will give the best estimation, and you can call us at any time on all the days in a week.
- We can create customized RCC compound walls according to a need And design.

Due to a systematic approach in our work we are known as the Best Fencing contractors in Erode

What are the benefits of installing Fencing and RCC compound walls:

- You can protect your land or property by Creating a boundary line.
- Installing your face will help you increase your protection and security with more privacy.
- You can safeguard your farmland from wild animals and animal threats.
- It will be the best investment, and you can create your boundary. So that no people are animals can enter the property. Moreover, there are many threats regarding land encroachment, and you can safeguard your property from those kinds of people.
- Compared to building A standard wall, Fencing and RCC walls will consume only 30 to 35 percent of the Money.
- It will be affordable And last for an extended period. So, to enjoy these kind of Benefits please choose best fencing contractors in Erode.

Fencing Contractors in Erode

Our Moto:

To create a healthy competition with our fellow competitors and give good service to our customers on the client at top-notch quality. Customer Certification and happy nurses are the priority of our company.

More over we are giving important to our customers satisfaction many has shared their views as we are the best Fencing Contractors in Erode they ever met.

What threats are there for Erode district people?

- There is a significant threat of wild animal attacks on the farmlands. And most of the crops and trees were damaged and destroyed Due to their entry Search.
- There are many turmeric's and Mango farms around Erode, and many theft activities are often happening. And it is affecting the revenue for the property owner.
- At night-time, many people try to enter the farmland without the farmers' knowledge. And most of the people are trying to destroy the crops.
- There are many Warehouses around to stuff textile materials And garment materials inside. Recently, many theft activities have been happening in the Warehouses, which do not have any boundary Protecting walls around them.
- As erode is one of the developed districts in Tamil Nadu. People like to buy properties around erode and Near Tirupur. If their property is away from their eyes, there are many chances of land encroachment activity, and they may lose their property.

As we are know as the Best Fencing Contractors in Erode we can give best solution for your problems

Products which are manufactured by Subi Fencing 

Back in 2006, we started our service in finishing the installation, and Due to customer need, we started our Fencing manufacturing unit later. We have started manufacturing of own products in our manufacturing unit. We currently do all the Fencing and RCC compound manufacturing and installation service.
We are manufacturing Products like:

  • Chain link Mesh

  • Razor wire

  • Barbed wire

  • Fencing poles

  • RCC compound wall

  • RCC compound slab

And we are doing all the installation service for above products.

Chain link Mesh supplier in Erode:

Chain link fencing is the most preferred material in the Erode district as it has a soft surface without any thorn extension. People who own private property or spinning Mill can prefer to install chain link fencing.

Chain link Fencing contractors in Erode
Chain link Fencing contractors in Erode

Razor wire supplier in Erode:

In razor wire fencing, a blade kind of particle will be projected from the fencing wire. And it is the Sharpened Surface That gives more high security and protection. People who are warning and farming land are mango farms, with high wild animal movement. They can Install reservation signs so that no people are animals can try to enter your farm. Or else you can build a compound wall. Above it, you can insert a razor wire fence so that no one tries to climb above the compound wall. Razor wire fences will be more suitable for people who need a higher kind of security.

Razor wire Fencing contractors in Erode
Razor wire Fencing contractors in Erode

Barbed Wire supplier in Erode:

Barbed Fencing, in which thorn structure will be Projected from the fencing wire, is Suitable for all Kind of Environment and all Kind of business sectors. It is suitable for Real estate, Commercial land, and agriculture farms. It is one of the cheapest solutions for people with high security and privacy. People warning private properties or commercial land in the outer Skirt off Erode town can think about fixing a barbed wire fence and creating an identification boundary.

Barbed wire Fencing contractors in Erode
Barbed wire Fencing contractors in Erode

Fencing poles supplier in Erode:

Fencing policies are one of the by-products of fencing installation services. These polls of manufacture by many Kind of products such as stone, Metal, And concrete. The fencing wires will be fixed using these poles, giving a Fencing wall structure. As we have many options in fencing poles according to the client and customer needs, we can choose One of the products from it According to the budget and estimation.

RCC compound wall Service in Erode:

RCC compound walls and the wall structure is done using Concrete slabs, Which will be placed above one by one to create a Wall structure. People willing to construct a wall without Money can choose the RCC compound. Wall is another option and will consume only 35 percent of installation on Regular Compound walls.

RCC compound wall Contractors in Erode
RCC compound wall Contractors in Erode

RCC compound slab  Supplier in Erode :

RCC compound slab is one of the various designs. People can offer an RCC compound slab according to their budget and estimation. And people who are willing to construct a compound can Think about building and compound words using RCC compound. And it will be more affordable.

The above-given products are all manufactured in our manufacturing unit. And we have our quality checking team, and they will be taking care of the quality of our product. So, you get the product from us without any damage and with excellent quality. And we have the best work to finish our Fencing and RCC compound installation at the planned time.

You can contact us using the following number +91 99945 07632 . To know about our finances, services, what Kind of products we are manufacturing, and what Fencing projects we have done until now. You can be able to visit our website www.subifencingcontractor.in For more details. We are available for all the videos in a week so that you can call us at a new feasible time on weekends.

And we will guide you from the beginning to the end of fencing service and installation at the best price. So try to contact us as soon as possible. Due to we are available all the days for consultation and guiding we are known as the Best Fencing Contractors in Erode.

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Best Fencing Contractors in Tirupur

Fencing contractors in tirupur

Fencing contractors in Tirupur

Welcome to Subi The Best Fencing Contractors in Tirupur

Tirupur is known as the Dollar City of India Text industries and export activities are well established throughout the district. Tirupur District is located near to the Manchester of India called Coimbatore District. And Subi fencing contractors are one of the leading fencing contractors in Tirupur district and we had travelled throughout Tirupur district and we had done various fencing service and installation From animal husbandry to textile industries. 90% of Tirupur occupation is based on. Textile industries on garment industries.

In case you are an Newbie for the textile industry and you are trying to own an. Spinning mill in a smaller scale Are fencing service will be the best option because You can able to create Safe and secure boundary using Fence in low cost. Apart from textile industries, Tirupur has major industries like floriculture, fertilization industries, Animal husbandry Dairy industry and so on. Our fencing services and fencing installations will be very suitable for all kind of industries from service oriented Manufacturer oriented sectors. And we can able to create custom fencing according to your needs and environment.

Moreover, we have travelled nuke and corner throughout Tirupur So we knew what kind of films and RCC compound types will be Feasible for you. Subi fencing contractor We are well concentrating to the customer satisfaction and customer need, so we will be giving all the services In reasonable price, so are fencing service and Fencing installation Can be done in best price. Due to best service in Affordable price we are known as the best fencing contractors in Tirupur district and in Tamil Nadu.

Why to choose Subi fencing contractors in Tirupur? As your fencing contractor?

Subi fencing contractors in Tirupur we are having nearly 20 years of experience in fencing field and we are known as the marketing leaders in fencing service. Moreover, we are doing all the fencing, service and installation in the reasonable price. We are having our own manufacturing unit where all the fencing materials , RCC compound wall materials are manufactured in good quality.

We are having our own quality checking team Who will be keen on Quality of our products which are going to be delivered and going to be installed for our clients And customers. All the fencing materials are done with Higher grade Tata Metals and with German quality machineries. All the fencing wires are well Galvanized so it will be corrosion resistor and it Will last at least for a decade.

The fencing workers who are Working for us are having nearly 10 to 15 years of work experience in fencing, field and all the fencing Workers are from local areas around Tirupur district. So the new what kind of Fences will be suitable For your property and your location.

As we are having our own manufacturing unit for both fencing and RCC compound wall, we can able to customize The product according to your need. And we can able to Manufacturer all the products in bulk and deliver in the Planned time And location. Moreover, he will be guiding you from the beginning to end of the fencing installation, so we can give assurance that all the fencing works on service will be in top notch.

Fencing contractors in Tirupur

What are the threats are there around Tirupur and why fencing Installation will be the right solution?

There are many spinning mills and textile garment Oriented Industries around Tirupur, so Creating a boundary around your industry is the must needed essential thing In case you are running a small scale of industry. It will secure your industry from theft activities and bugler activities. So you can raise an fencing wall with 9 feet of height and Razor wire At the top, so no one can able to claim And enter into your boundary.

In case if you are running an animal husbandry or an floriculture Business you must be Keen on the safety about your plants and animals Because there are There are lot of chances of Theft activities and sometimes the animals may ran away from your Farm. So creating an animal husbandry fence like chain link fence will be the right choice.

There are large number of coconut farms Tours Coimbatore district so you should be keen about Coconut steeling thieves who will be Surrounding your farm throughout the night. Creating a barbed wire fence or chain link fence will be the best option.

Land encroachment is the most Common thing right now in Tamil Nadu and moreover in Tirupur, apart from city, the people who are owned land The outer sketch of Tirupur city has an threat of Land encroachment. So you should be Think about fixing and fencing wall using chain link fencing or razor wire fencing. Sometimes. Building an RCC compound wall will be the right choice as It is the cheapest way of building and wall.

These are some of the common threats and fear for the people around Tirupur district.

Our Moto:

To create an healthy competition with our competitors And making our clients and customers happy with Our service. We Subi fencing contractors in Tirupur give products at reasonable price.

Benefits of Installing a fence:

-          It will give more privacy and security.

-          You Can you able to create your own boundary.

-          Your form or industry can be Treat free from wild animals or other people.

-          Can safeguard your properties and land.

-          Creating a fence or RCC compound can be considered as onetime investment.

Our products and services:

We are having our own manufacturing unit and we are Manufacturing our own products and materials for fencing installation And RCC compound installation. With an experience team in fencing and RCC compound installation, we are giving our services to both the fencing and RCC compound. Our products:

  • Chain link mesh

  • Razor wire

  • Barbed wire

  • RCC compound 

  • Fencing poles

Chain link mesh supplier in Tirupur:

Chain link fencing is the most used fencing product throughout Tirupur district as it having smooth surface. And it is having a minute gap so no animals or people can enter or project their body parts apart from the fence. This kind of fence can be used for real estate animal husbandry, and  It will be no threatening for the people and animals who are passing through it.

Chain link Fencing contractors in Tirupur
Chain link Fencing contractors in Tirupur

Razor wire supplier in Tirupur:

A blade kind of particle will be projected from the fencing surface and it is the most sharp and rough Fence, which has a high security and privacy. People who has an threat of burglar and theft kind of activities Can Think about razor wire fence.

Razor wire Fencing contractors in Tirupur
Razor wire Fencing contractors in Tirupur

Barbed wire dealer in Tirupur:

At town kind of structure will be projected from the fencing wire and it it will be an sharpening Surface. People who has a less budget amount and they are willing to create an sharp surfaced fence can Choose barbed wire fence. Most of the agricultural land and industries industrial areas are preferring Barbed wire fence for their fencing work.

Barbed wire Fencing contractors in Tirupur
Barbed wire Fencing contractors in Tirupur

RCC compound slab supplier in Tirupur:

What is a readymade concrete slab which are used to create an wall kind of structure by placing one by one. It is the most cost-efficient thing people and it help people to create and wall Hey. kind of structure. It is one of the by-products of RCC compound.

Fencing poles service in Tirupur:

Fencing poles are manufactured Through many Items like Concrete poles, Stone poles, Metal poles. These Poles will be withstanding the fencing walls.



Rajesh is owning a small scale of spinning mill called SV spinning mills in Tirupur district. As he has spent a large amount of money in spending money and machineries, he has no idea of Creating an compound wall in short period of time. But Subi fencing contractor We create an razor wire fencing wall in an Short period of time. And right now, Rajesh is happy with our fencing installation and service. He reviewed as the  Subi fencing Contractors are best fencing contractors in Tirupur.

Suresh Kumar:

Suresh is having 70 acres of cotton field in Tirupur district in an village. And he is supplying cotton for major industries in Tirupur and Coimbatore. Before Air and fire accident has been held in his field Due to unwanted peoples movement. After this instant he approached us and we gave and changing fencing With 7 feet tall and after installing fence, he didn't notice any kind of animal or human movement In his absence. He is very happy with fencing service, so he has planned To call us for upcoming fencing installation and service. He stated that Subi fencing contractors in Tirupur is the best in town.

We are giving free consultation and estimation. For fencing service and installation. Moreover, will be coming to your Place to monitor And inspect what kind of location and environment your property or your industry is located. And we will be guiding you what kind of fence or RCC compound wall will be helpful. To get more information about our fencing service and installation, you can able to visit our website www.subifencingcontractor.in .And we are giving our contact number +91 99945 07632 and we will be available throughout the week from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. So you can able to contact us In weekends in your feasible time.  We can able to transport fencing materials and goods at your place.

Fencing contractors in pondicherry

Subi Fencing is the Best Fencing Contractors in Pondicherry

Fencing Contractors in Pondicherry

Pondicherry is a Union territory which lied in the southeast coast of India and bordered by the bay of bengal on the east and it's a mixture of French and Indian Culture. It's well known for the scenic beaches, Spiritual places and Historical places. Pondicherry is mostly based on Tourism, Handicraft products and Foods.It has a chemical industry producing various industries like pharmaceuticals, cosmetics.  

Subi fencing contractors in Pondicherry doing fencing works and fencing poles installation service  for the past 16+ years in Pondicherry.As the Pondicherry has a high number of chemical industries its important to do fencing in their company. Subi fencing  contractors in Pondicherry have done a large number of fencing works for our customer in Pondicherry.

Why should you choose Subi fencing contractors as your fencing contractor:

  • We Subi fencing contractors in Pondicherry have experience nearly 18 years in the field. 
  • We know which kind of fencing will be suitable for your place. 
  • We have our own manufacturing unit so we give the best quality  and best price in the field.
  • Our workers are having more than 10 years experience in the fencing field
  • We’ll allocate a supervisor to check the work is done in the best way without any disaster happening till the end.
  • We will be in contact with our customer after installing our product.   

Why is fencing is important in Pondicherry:

Pondicherry is a rich heritage and cultural city. It has ancient sculptures and architectural places. So These will attract tourists. So fencing is the best way to protect these kinds of things. There are so many Ashram situated in Pondicherry. To protect those RCC compound walls is the best one.

Our Moto:

Creating and healthy competition within our Fellow competitors. Being best fencing services to the customers Beloved clients with full satisfaction and fulfilment. Making Customers happy is our first priority. Many of our clients were reviewed as best fencing contractors in Pondicherry.

Services given by Subi fencing contractors in Pondicherry:

At the beginning we had started our company with fencing, installation and services. Later on we started our own manufacturing unit for our customers convenience so that we are able to create our own fencing materials with high quality. We are giving services like:

Such as:

Chain Link mesh

Barbed wire dealer

Razor wire dealer

RCC compound wall supplier

RCC compound slab service

Fencing Poles service

Chain link mesh in Pondicherry:

We Subi fencing contractors in Pondicherry provide chain link mesh service for our customer in best quality.  The fencing looks like a diamond shape with a zigzag line. It has a smooth surface so it will not harm anyone. But no one can insert their hands or legs into it, because it has a small gap. It's a cost effective one.

Few of the models of chain link fencing or listed below

  • basic chain link fencing
  • chain link fencing with stay wires
  • Chain link fencing with barbed wires
  • chain link fencing with bend post barbed wire
  • rooftop chain link fencing
  • garden chain link fencing
  • kid's a play area, chain link fencing
  • PVC-coated chain link fencing

Barbed wire dealer in Pondicherry:

Barbed wire fencing is the best fencing for protecting valuable things. The fencing has a rough surface and it has sharp edges in it. So no one will try to enter through it. In Pondicherry there are a lot of architectural places located so it's better to install barbed wire fencing.

Barbed wire Fencing contractors in Pondicherry
Barbed wire Fencing contractors in Pondicherry

At Subi fencing. We have many types of barbed wire fencing models few are listed below

  • X model barbed wire fencing
  • line model barbed wire fencing
  • U model barbed wire fencing
  • box model barbed wire fencing
  • wall top y angle barbed wire fencing
  • wall top angle barbed wire fencing

Razor wire dealer in Pondicherry:

Razor wire fencing has a criss cross pattern to create a threatening barrier. It has a rough surface with small blades.Its the best one for high security areas. People who have valuable things in their place can think of razor wire fencing.

Razor wire Fencing contractors in Pondicherry
Razor wire Fencing contractors in Pondicherry

RCC compound wall supplier in Pondicherry:

Those who own Ashram in Pondicherry can think of installing an RCC compound wall. It has  more security, high durability and resistance in all types of weather and it has low maintenance. It gives privacy to your places. We have our manufacturing so we give the best quality.

RCC compound wall Contractors in Pondicherry
RCC compound wall Contractors in Pondicherry

RCC compound slab service in Pondicherry:

RCC compound slab is material which is made of layers of concrete infused with steel bar and mesh to create a slab for compound wall. We have our own manufacturing unit. So we can make designs based on customer needs.

 Fencing Poles service:

Fencing poles is one of the by-products for fencing installation. These products are available in many materials like Concrete, stone and metal fencing poles. All the fencing poles are manufactured in higher quality.

ISO quality products:

All the materials are manufactured with ISO qualities. So we will guarantee that the materials we manufacture are good quality. And we are using German technology machines so all the products will come in exact shape.

Free transportation:

We are giving free transport services for all bulk orders for fencing and compound wall installation. And we are very connected to all the parts of Tamil Nadu and South India. We can transport all the materials to your respective place. You can contact us by saying the following number+91 99945 07632. for more details about our services, you can go to our Website for more details and what kind of service we are doing.



Tamilarasan owns a cow farm in his area, there are some animal attacks  happening in his area. So he planned to protect his cow farm from the attack. He contacted us for fencing work, and we suggested him do chain link fencing. Because it has a smooth surface so animals can't hurt themself. He is happy with our service and our products.

Any time you can call us for expert opinion for Barbed wire fencing in pondicherry

Chain Link fencing in Pondicherry

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